Corbusier has 5 points of architecture; everyone has their own opinion of which one they like the most or which one they think is the most important in today's architecture. Also with the project i am now constructing, I'm using some of the 5 points in my own concept design.
The point I think is most important is the pilotis. The pilotis are important because they hold up a part of your structure that wasn't meant to stand on a bottom floor. It's whole purpose is to support a section of the structure that is supposed to look like a "free structure"
In today's architecture, I think the ribbon windows are the most prominent. Everyone is all about more windows and letting light into the house. It might not look exactly look like a ribbon window, but they closely resemble them.
And lastly, in my concept design, the most prominent element is the pilotis. I have a lot of free standing structural pieces so I accompany them with pilotis to hold them up.